Ministero della Cultura

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Cookies are text files created automatically and used to improve or simplify the use of a website by a user.  They are also used to understand how users browse the website.

This information describes the cookie used by the website of the Museum Complex and the relative purposes.

This website uses:

  • Session cookies
    Session cookies are stored temporarily in the memory of the computer while exploring a website, to keep track of the user’s preferences, such as the language selected, and are eliminated as soon as the user closes the browser. The use of session cookies on this website is strictly limited to the transmission of session details (random numbers generated by the server) needed for the safe and efficient exploration of the website.
  • Analytical cookies
    These are cookies used to collect and analyse the traffic and use of the website anonymously. These cookies, while not identifying the user, make it possible to tell whether the same user returns to the website at different times. They also enable the monitoring of the system and improve performance and usability. These cookies can be deactivated without any loss of function.
  • Third-party cookies

This website does not use:

  • Profiling cookies
    These are cookies used permanently to identify user preferences and improve the browsing experience. No personal user data is acquired by this website.

Management of cookies

The user can decide whether or not to accept the cookies, using his/her browser settings:

Cookies can be limited or blocked using the browser settings. It is possible to eliminate all the cookies already present in the system. The settings must be changed separately in every browser and computer used. Procedures for limiting or blocking cookies are described on the Help page of the browser used. To disable cookies on a mobile phone, consult the manufacturer’s manual for more information.

The disabling of cookies does not influence interaction with this website.