Ministero della Cultura

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TESORI DI LIGURIA | Musei, Fortezze, Aree archeologiche

  1. Museo Preistorico dei Balzi Rossi e zona archeologica | Ventimiglia
  • Tuesday-Sunday 8.30am-7.30pm
  • on the opening days of the museum it is possible to visit the Caviglione cave from 11am to 12pm and from 3pm to 4pm. Closed in case of wind or bad weather.
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Area Archeologica di Nervia | Ventimiglia 
  • Tuesday-Sunday 09.30am-2.30pm
  • every first and third Sunday of the month 9.30am-2.30pm 
  • Monday closed 
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Forte Santa Tecla | Sanremo
  • Closed temporarily for restoration (October 2022 – March 2023)
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Forte San Giovanni | Finale Ligure
  • Saturday-Sunday and holidays 10.30am-5.30pm
  • closed from Monday until Friday
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Villa Rosa – Museo dell’arte vetraria altarese | Altare
  • Tuesday-Sunday 2pm-6pm
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Museo di Palazzo Reale | Genova

check the opening hours on the official website

  1. Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola | Genova

check the opening hours on the official website

  1. Museo archeologico nazionale di Chiavari
  • Tuesday-Sunday 9.00am-2.00pm
  • every first Sunday of the month 9.00am-2.00pm
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Villa romana del Varignano | Portovenere
  • Tuesday-Sunday 8.30am-6.30pm (last admission 5.45pm).
  • Sunday 8.30am-13.30pm (last admission 12.45pm)
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Castello di San Terenzo | Lerici
  • Saturday and Tuesday 3pm-6pm
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Fortezza Firmafede
  • check updates on the opening  hours and temporary closures on the Fortress official website
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  1. Fortezza di Sarzanello
  • Saturday 10am-1pm
  • Sunday 10.00am-1pm and 4pm-7pm
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission

  • Museo archeologico nazionale e zona archeologica di Luni
  • Tuesday – Saturday 8.30am-7.30pm (last admission 6.30pm)
  • Sunday 8.30am-2pm (last admission 1pm)
  • Amphitheater opening hours OCTOBER: from Wednesday to Sunday 10am-1pm and 2pm-5.30pm
  • from 1st May 2022 recommended mask for admission